Frank (Eddie) Lusk

Profile Updated: August 4, 2010
Residing In: Borger, TX USA
Spouse/Partner: Divorced twice / Single
Occupation: Truck Driver / Equip Operator
Children: I have 3 sons. All grown. Christopher Micheal (29) has 2 little ones and lives in Kansas City, Mo. James More…David (26) has 2 kiddos and lives in Houston, Tx. Tanner Lee (19) is in Fritch, Tx no babies yet. LOL
My grandkids are 2 boys and 2 girls...JJ (8) and his sister Desi (3) in Kc with Cameron (3) and his sister Caitlyn (1) living in Houston.
It's great to be a Grandpaw!

No More Remorse
by Frank Lusk

Have you ever wondered what happens when you run out of tears?
In a life that is full of uncertainty and completely riddled with fears,
You'll discover that the definition of "insanity" is different for us all.
Because in the end, it's inescapable that Death will someday call.

Live long enough and it's inevitable you'll find a rut or maybe change your mind.
Our choices are not always clear... whether to be cruel or to be kind.
No one can honestly deny, a door is never one way... but has 2 sides!
Some will always need the spotlight to sparkle and shine, while others just hide.

There will always be those who are meant to lead and those meant to follow.
Many who will forever be "full of themselves" while just as sadly, those who are hollow.
And there are those who congregate, while others keep to themselves... alone.
People who labor just to get by, while those of means forever seek the throne.

The world is overwhelmed with both, Believers as well as Deceivers...
People who will always be giving and those who are takers and receivers.
What is truly "insane"... is the transformation of Humanity into the Rat Race!
We should be sharing our happiness and recognizing a sad face.

With all of those who are lost and in desperate need to be found...
You don't have to look very hard, (with 6 billion people) they are all around!
We could meet Death in confusion and alone... or... do something to face our fears..?
So what do YOU think happens when you run out of tears?

What's your favorite memory of BHS?

I would have to say hanging out on main street and seeing EVERYBODY on the weekends.

*Did you know they don't allow the kids today to do that anymore?

Least favorite?

Tex Hanna's "board of education" meeting my ass! That guy had a mean swing.

Who did you hang out with in High School?

I didn't judge anybody. I always felt we were almost like family. I don't remember having problems getting along with any classmates. Our class President Steve knew me by name as did the jocks and cheerleaders ALL the way down to the forgotten few... Looking back, I loved you all "class of 1980!

*It's almost too bad we had to grow up..?

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Jun 16, 2015 at 4:33 AM
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Posted: Dec 17, 2013 at 12:52 AM
This would be me now. >wink<